My roommate picked up a Christmas tree last night. It is so ugly to me that I’m at a complete and total loss as to what to do about it. I mean, it’s a tree. It’s fine, there’s nothing specifically wrong with it, a lot of people have very similar trees. But it’s wrong. It’s not a Noble fir, it’s a Douglas. I really hate those trees. We had one last year, because it was free, and I coukdn’t justify getting another one when there was a perfectly good free tree available. But I really hated last year’s tree. Hated it a lot. Swore I’d never have that kind of tree again.
But then my roommate came home all, “Hey, I got a tree. Oh, and I got a small one because there’s not that much room in there this year…” And I, being totally surprised, could barely hide my revulsion. I totally appreciate that he took it upon himself to get a tree. I think it’s awesome. But… but… it’s not right.
I feel like I’m making way too big a deal of this. I really do. But I can’t help it. I love Christmas. I love decorating the tree and putting gifts under it and sitting in a dark room with just the tree lights on.
I really want to go and get a different tree. But I don’t want to be all “hey, thanks Roommate for getting a tree, but yours sucks and I’m getting a better one, ok?” I realize there are way bigger problems in the world, but that’s not really the point here.
Seriously, am I making a mountain out of a molehill here?