Blogathon 2007

What was that? You didn’t hear me? I’ll say it again.
Blogathon 2007 is here!!
The Blogathon is an innovative fundraising concept spearheaded by a couple of incredible ladies. It is a group of people who post to their blogs every 30 minutes for 24 hours to raise money for charity. Each on their own blog, each for their own charity. And why not? We’ve got these “blog thingies”, why not put them to better use than amusing ourselves or composing thinly veiled “open letters” to our coworkers.
Blogathonners are sponsored by their readers and friends who have a few bucks to spare and want put them toward a cause. All money pledged is paid directly to the charity- the bloggers and organizers never touch the money. At the close of the Blogathon, sponsors receive an email telling them their blogger made it and instructions on how to fill their pledge. It is done on the honor system, sponsors get a couple of emails tickling them to fulfill their pledges, but that’s it. No lists are kept for future years, no names are sold to charities.
This is my third year blogging for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. When I was 16 a close friend of my family’s died of AIDS related complications. Since then, I have known others who have fought this disease, and this cause is cemented in my heart and so I do what little I can to help. Blogathon is one of those ways.
Now I ask you for two things.
First and foremost I ask you for your money. I have no shame, this is me looking you right in the eyes as I point to the statistics and to the only pieces of my friend I have left and stick my hand out. Please sponsor me, please dig into your wallet and your heart and sponsor me, sponsor the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the important work they’re doing.
No amount is too small. I look at the bloggers raising thousands for their charities and think “Good for them”. I look at the bloggers who have only raised $10 and I think “Good for them.” We’re all in this together and every little bit helps change the world.
Second is 5 minutes of your time. You have to go the the Blogathon site, you have to register but it really easy to navigate. You will not be spammed. I think you’ll get a confirmation email, and then a couple of emails after the Blogathon tickling you to fill your pledge.
I’ve set the same fundraising goal every year I’ve done the ‘Thon. $250. The first year I raised $49 because I was too shy to ask people for money. Last year I raised $251 because of my amazing sponsors, and my final sponsor who wanted to see me exceed my goal. I’m at $25 so far this year and there are still 16 days left. I know I can get there. I know you want to help.
You can be as public or anonymous as you choose. I will post names of any pledges I receive, and link to your site if you’re a blogger. If you sponsor me anonymously I’ll put “Anonymous” in my sponsor list. If you want it in honor or memory of someone, send me an email and let me know that. You give me your money, I’ll list you just about any way you want me to…
And I can’t say thank you enough to anyone who sponsors me. To all my former sponsors, recurring sponsors, current sponsors, future sponsors… THANK YOU. I couldn’t do it without you.
Click here to sponsor me.
Click here to visit my Blogathon site.
Let’s change the world together.

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