I have a tendency lately, on weekends, to stay up til all hours watching movies, or what we like to call “the crack”, and then sleeping all day the next day. Such was the way of things last Saturday. I think I got home and to bed around 3:30 or 4 am.
At one pm, Keegan called, incredulous that I was still asleep. He needed help. While driving home from hanging out with his friends Saturday night, his engine threw a rod out through the oilpan (or something, don’t ask me, I will claim “Girl”). See what I mean here.
(He’s only had this car a week. So new was this car to him, I had not yet had a chance to post about the fact that he is driving a pimpmobile, with a big enough trunk to throw a party in.)
So I got up, we went to breakfast, and then we rented a 14′ U-Haul, and a four wheel dolly:
It wasn’t all bad though. Once keegan had pulled the car onto the dolly (thankfully it still drove), he discovered he could not open the door. Which prompted some Dukes of Hazzard imitations.
Trying to get into the car when you can’t open the door.
And exiting….
Funny vids! Keegan so needs to watch the Dukes of Hazzard again.