When I first started this blog, it was mostly for the random things that happened in life that I wanted to share somewhere. Mostly, I wanted a blog that would make people laugh, maybe make them think sometimes, maybe even share a few stories about my life. I never really thought of it as a place to write cathartic things, or a place to get things off my chest in any sort of confessional manner. There have been a few things here that are those types of posts, most of them in this past year. I’m feeling like that is the direction this blog is going to start going more often. I think I used to write more for my readers than for myself. That’s going to change, at least for a little while. The fun stuff won’t go away, there’s just going to be a bit more real life along with it.
It’s time I was honest, both with myself, and about myself. These things need out, for several reasons. So sit tight and fasten your seatbelt, or wait ’til the ride is over and come back then.
Lay it on me! I like my stories juicy! 😀
Good for you. I’ll be here the whole way if you need any support. 🙂 *hugs*