Happy New Year

And I actually mean that. The Christmas funk is over and I’m launching myself with zeal into the new year. I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, I think they’re sort of dumb and no one keeps them anyway, but this year I’m making some, and I’m putting them here so that I have a written record.
1. Finish the Couch to 5K and be running regularly by the end of March. I started it in like, September and the first couple of days kicked my ass so I gave up. I want to really give it my all- I know I can do it. Even if it means running on the treadmill that I hate.
2. Take a picture a day. I’ve seen the 365 group on Flickr, but a year of self-portraits isn’t me. So I’m just going to take a picture of something that shows my world or what I’ve been up to, or what I’m feeling.
3. Stick to my food plan. Life got so busy the last couple of weeks that fast food and junk food made their insidious way back into my life. It’s time to shove them back out for good.
I think there were more things, but it’s late and I sort of can’t feel my fingers right now, so I’ll post more later if I remember what they were.

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