Moving in

It’s 11pm and I’ve just finished packing to go to my sister’s for Thanksgiving. Getting there involves a 10 hour car trip, and I’ll be gone 4 days. And it’s cold where she lives. I’m still not sure if that justifies the amount of baggage I’m taking with me. The pile I have to load into the car in the morning includes:
1 rolling suitcase
1 small bag with makeup/hair stuff/shower stuff
1 pillow
1 blanket
1 small zipper case with embroidery supplies
2 embroidery scroll frames
1 laptop bag
I sort of feel like I’m moving in to my sister’s house taking all that stuff for only 4 days, but I am the queen of the overpackers and when I try to cut it down (like the last trip I took) I underpacked and didn’t have enough of what I needed.

One thought on “Moving in

  1. Snoskred

    I’m trying to visit as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can and I thought I’d say hi, I liked your blog.. 🙂 Nice color, too, I like it. I like to overpack too. Have a great Thanksgiving!

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